Life Changing Books

Books that have directly contributed to the happiness in my life!
Biographies / Autobiographies / Historical
Losing my Virginity -- Richard Branson
I Can’t make this up: Life lessons - Kevin Hart
Little Black Stretchy Pants - Chip Wilson
Shoe Dog -- Phil Knight
Let My People go Surfing - Yvon Chouinard
Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
Open - Andre Agassi
Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Pour Your Heart Into It - Howard Schultz
Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination - Neal Gabler
Stories I only Tell My Friends - Rob Lowe
The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World's Most Creative Places from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley
Life Classics & Life Skills
The Four Agreements
The 7 Day Mental Diet
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
How to Win friends & Influence people
Ask and it’s Given
Think & Grow Rich
Influence, Science and Practice
The Obstacle is the Way
Crucial Conversations
Improv Wisdom
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
How to stop worrying & Start Living
Getting to Yes
Zero to One
Delegation & Supervision - Brian Tracy
Delivering Happiness
Lean In
Good to Great
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Never Split The Difference
Who: The A Method for Hiring
Mindset / Meditation / Mindfulness
Full Catastrophe Living
E Squared
Wherever you Go, There You Are
Peace in Every Step
Health & Fitness
Ready to Run
The Supple Leopard
Mind Over Medicine
The Hormone Cure
Woman Code
Fat Chance
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
The Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Living
The Bulletproof Diet
Brain Rules
The 4-Hour Body
Food: What the heck should I eat (Mark Hyman)
The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance
Why We Sleep
Radical Remission
The Patient Will See you Now
Psychology & Behavior Change
Change or Die
The Willpower Instinct
Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products
Contagious: Why things catch on
The Psychology of Achievement - Brian Tracy
Worth the Long Read
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Atlas Shrugged
Tony Robbins / Motivational
Personal Success made simple
The magic of thinking big
Awaken the giant within
The power of Habit
Tim Ferriss-esque
Tools of Titans
The 4-hour Work Week
Men are from Mars Women are from Venus
Mars & Venus on a Date
It’s called a breakup because it’s broken
Young Adult / Life Advice
So good they can’t ignore you
Choose Your Own Adulthood
The Alchemist
The defining Decade
What I know for Sure - Oprah
Anything You Want
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Others that were OK, but not life changing
Empire State of Mind - JayZ autobiography
When Breath Becomes Air
Onward - Howard Schultz